SV: Capacity of the brain

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Fri Oct 29 21:17:46 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: SV: Capacity of the brain
>From: John F. Nixon jnixon at mindspring.net 
>Date: Fri, 29 October 1999 12:27 PM EDT
>Message-id: <WcgZOJQB1gj9Q7+S6wn=9R4y47xz at 4ax.com>
>On 28 Oct 1999 22:02:18 GMT, perle at cs.tu-berlin.de (Frank Wilde)
>>>> Yes. The point of the experiment was to demonstrate that there was no
>>>> channel through which the information could have travelled,
>>> so,could i interpret this experiment to have "communicated" polarization
>>> at a speed grater than light?
>>My interpretation is that the common source of the photons did equip both
>>with respective states (or a superposition of such) which can be thought of
>>as saying "if measured this way, behave that way, etc." 
>Yes, this explanation has been tried by Einstein himself, as I
>understand your position.
>You want to check out Bell's Inequality, and the experiments around
>it.  Here's a URL to John Baez' FAQ on the issue.

please see the msg i just posted, in response to a msg posted by Matt Jones, in
the 'ionic leak' thread.

it's stuff describes, from the perspective of the problem in Neuroscience, what
has been missing from the 'qm' perspective.

Specifically (quoting from the Copyrighted URL that you reference in your

>>One of the principal features of quantum mechanics is that not all the 
classical physical observables of a system can be simultaneously known 
with unlimited precision, even in principle. Instead, there may be 
several sets of observables which give qualitatively different, but 
nonetheless complete (maximal possible) descriptions of a quantum 
mechanical system. These sets are sets of "good quantum numbers," and 
are also known as "maximal sets of commuting observables." Observables 
from different sets are "noncommuting observables".<<

this 'several sets' stuff is 'just' a "throwing of hands up in the air because
folks just don't understand what they're talking about" thing.

there is =one= 'map', with respect to which, everything is exactly and
deterministically ordered. it is the one way flow of energy from order to
disorder that is what's described by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t).

everything in the so-called 'several sets' can be rigorously ordered with
respect to wdb2t. when such is done, 'uncertainty' waves 'bye-bye', and all
that's left is exact determinism.

[for those who aren't up on the Physics, don't 'jump to conclusions' with
respect to what 'exact determinism' means with respect to Free Will. Free Will
has physically-real Existence, and knowing Truth with respect to physical
reality =only= enhances Free Will because, in absence of such knowing of Truth
with respect to physical reality, physical reality still behaves in its exact
and deterministic way, but Free Will is continually 'clobbered' by it because,
in the absence of the knowledge, Free Will 'chooses' discordantly with respect
to Truth... so =don't 'panic'.]

shall we continue?

K. P. Collins

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