meditation/altered conciousness and neuroscience

c_thomas_wild at my-deja.com c_thomas_wild at my-deja.com
Thu Oct 28 19:15:39 EST 1999

In article <3815BF86.5A751ECE at colorado.edu>,
  Alexander Shenkin <al at cad-tech.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm researching meditation, it's effects, and other altered states of
> conciousness from (as much as possible) the perspective of
> neuroscience.  Are there canonical works in this field on this
> Major figures?  Also, if anyone know of good resources out there,
> would also be greatly apprecicated.  Thanks very much...
> Alex Shenkin
The idea of meditation/hypnosis/self-hypnosis has been discussed by
hypnotists or advocates of self-suggestion from Emile Coue to Jose
Silva.  In terms of understanding aspects of ideas such as paying
attention, concentration, memory, fine motor control, sleep-wake
cycles, and so on, there are many basic insights involving the notion
of brain waves and neurotransmitters and medicines which tend to effect
human thought (which is often seen as an electro-chemical event) which
come from one or more of the following areas/related areas such as:
TBI/ABI (Traumatic Brain Injury/Acquired Brain Injury/Coma
States/Awakenings from Coma States), the Epilepsy syndrome, the ADHD-
ADD-Hyperactivity syndrome, the Narcolepsy syndrome, Parkinson's
syndrome, and so on.  There's a book titled A Remarkable Medicine Has
Been Overlooked (Dilantin) by Jack Dreyfus which goes into the notion
of thought as being an electrical event.  Dilantin, in my view, is a
remarkable medicine for a small group of people (not all) although
there are also a number of other remarkable medicines available today
which are known to impact the processes involved in meditation and
cognition too, such as reducing distractibility and increasing
attention span.  The brain is known to emit brain waves and the EEG
machine has been used for years to measure brain waves and to provide
some insights into the nature of meditative states.  There are other
diagnostic tools such as the fMRI, SPECT, and PET which can offer some
insights into meditation and different states of consciousness.  In the
world of business, ideas about meditation tend to be focused around
basic value statements, vision statements, mission statements,
management by objective statements, and goal setting projects.  In the
world of religion, some religions promote the idea of unconditional
love as being an ideal meditative state while other religions promote
the idea of conditioned love, that is, accept their one true religion
and be happy, no questions allowed,  or reject it and a holy war will
be declared against people who think for themselves, no questions
allowed, end of story, it seems to me.

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