Alexander, I found the information that I lost. Take a look at the
following pages:
This can also be interesting:
Another interesting view comes from psychology.
Jung has written about psychology and meditation, the name in french is:
Psychologie et Orientalisme. Carl Jung
Another that I am reading right now is:
Zen et Psychoanalyse, D.T. Suzuki et al
Excuse me, but I don't know the names in English
Alexander Shenkin a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm researching meditation, it's effects, and other altered states of
> conciousness from (as much as possible) the perspective of
> neuroscience. Are there canonical works in this field on this subject?
> Major figures? Also, if anyone know of good resources out there, those
> would also be greatly apprecicated. Thanks very much...
>> Alex Shenkin
Camilo La Rota
Laboratoire TIMC
Faculte de Medecine de Grenoble
38706, La Tronche
Tel: 33-4-76-63-71-46
e-mail: camilo.larota at