it's been 'difficult'

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 27 19:14:11 EST 1999

i understand.

i just can't stand what Ignorance does to Humanity.

i can't stand what it does to folks who seek God.

i can't stand what it does to folks in Scinece.

mostly, i can't stand its merciless Preying upon the Children... and the way it
condemns all those who could, otherwise, do something about it to Silence.

God deserves more than our collective stumbling over words like "day",

Truth is Knowable, Science.

Goverment is to Serve the Citizenry.

Journalism is to Communicate, without Prejudice, on behalf of the People.

Business is not 'money', but the Welfare of all.

Fail at any of these, and, to the degree of such, the "Beast" wins.

i understand it's 'difficult'.

gotta find a way to withstand the tyrannies of roof and stomach.

Thank You for allowing me to 'speak'. i'll carry you in my 'heart'.


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