Experiment enquiry

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 27 17:11:37 EST 1999

yep, the experiment was (is) legitimate, at least if the publications in which
i read of it were (are) legitimate.

it was some years back. don't the specific ref(s). sorry.


>Subject: Experiment enquiry
>From: "Warren Foley" wpfoley at attglobal.net 
>Date: Wed, 27 October 1999 01:52 PM EDT
>Message-id: <38173a31_4 at news1.prserv.net>
>I am looking for a particular experiment. In this experiment a blind man was
>enabled to have visual images. They hooked a chair to a special camera so
>that the image viewed by the camera would be imprinted on the man's back via
>pins of some sort. I was wondering if anybody would was responsible for this
>experiment and where this experiment was documented. If you do you could let
>me know at wpfoley at ibm.net.          Thank you very much,
>                                         Warren Foley

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