Resting "leak" ion channels

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 27 08:35:56 EST 1999

you know, i've never seen the need to check that out. i've just presumed that
relatively-passive ionic conductance would occur via mechanisms different from
the mechanisms of relatively-active ionic conductance... or else there'd be no
difference in the ionic conductances.

i'll make a 'mental note' to be on the lookout for information pertaining to

seems to me, from the way you're zeroing-in on particular things, that you have
a particular 'goal' in mind.

why not state such, and outline your underlying premise?

to be specific, i'm 'wondering' if this's is another instance in which a
relatively-small consideration is being 'set-up' as being 'equivalent' to the
entirity of NDT's stuff?

i get such all the 'time'. not once has anything anyone's brought up, in this
way, made any negative difference with respect to NDT's synthesis. it's always
been the case that NDT's stuff has only gotten-stronger as a result of the
information exchanged.

so, i hope you'll continue... only, please continue without any more 'beating
around the bush'.

cheers, ken (K. P. Collins)

>Subject: Re: Resting "leak" ion channels
>From: "Richard Norman" rsnorman at mediaone.net 
>Date: Wed, 27 October 1999 08:03 AM EDT
>Message-id: <0SBR3.2380$u3.138240 at typhoon1.rdc-detw.rr.com>
>Yes, glia have such channels.  But do those channels have the same
>structure, belong
>to the same protein families, as the gated channels?
>ken collins wrote in message
><19991026205649.26112.00001303 at ng-bj1.aol.com>...
>>search the Glia literature.
>>glia redistribute ion concentrations, thereby, yielding ionic
>>within the ranges of gated channels, thereby, rendering the 'gatedness' not
>>>From: "Richard Norman" rsnorman at mediaone.net
>>>Are the ion channels normally open at rest, and responsible for the "leak"
>>>currents as well as the resting potential, related to the gated channels
>>>responsible for action, synaptic, and receptor potentials?
>>>I always thought not, arguing that all cells have a resting Na, K, and Cl
>>>permeability but usually not gated channels. Dendrites and axons alike
>>>leaks, as do cells neurons that are not electrically excitable at all.
>>>In looking deeper, I find references to the "fact" that "all ion channels
>>>are gated", with stable open and closed states.  However, I cannot find
>>>specific mention of the channel type that corresponds to the resting leak.
>>>Do you have any references?

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