Resting "leak" ion channels

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Tue Oct 26 19:56:49 EST 1999

search the Glia literature.

glia redistribute ion concentrations, thereby, yielding ionic concentrations
within the ranges of gated channels, thereby, rendering the 'gatedness' not

K. P. Collins 

>Subject: Resting "leak" ion channels
>From: "Richard Norman" rsnorman at mediaone.net 
>Date: Tue, 26 October 1999 06:11 PM EDT
>Message-id: <_FpR3.2339$u3.128869 at typhoon1.rdc-detw.rr.com>
>Are the ion channels normally open at rest, and responsible for the "leak"
>currents as well as the resting potential, related to the gated channels
>responsible for action, synaptic, and receptor potentials?
>I always thought not, arguing that all cells have a resting Na, K, and Cl
>permeability but usually not gated channels. Dendrites and axons alike have
>leaks, as do cells neurons that are not electrically excitable at all.
>In looking deeper, I find references to the "fact" that "all ion channels
>are gated", with stable open and closed states.  However, I cannot find any
>specific mention of the channel type that corresponds to the resting leak.
>Do you have any references?

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