a Formal Challenge to folks in Science

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Tue Oct 26 19:50:57 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: a Formal Challenge to folks in Science
>From: jamesb1 at GEOCITIES.COM  (James)
>Date: Tue, 26 October 1999 09:56 AM EDT
>Message-id: <4.1.19991026095105.00a9de70 at trends.ca>
>At 10:06 PM 10/20/99 +0000, you wrote:
>>so, in the spirit of planting roses in the divide, i, here, Formally
>>everyone in Science to try to offer a defensible explanation of why it is
>>the simple Truth Jesus Taught is banned from Science.
>No empirical evidence of "Creation".

Ignorance in 'high places' is still, Ignorance.

Kindly, 'quote' for me, from the _New Testament_ where you think Jesus
'stooped' to the level of the 'Creation/Evolution' non-question.

you'll be unsuccessful because there's nothing discordant between Creation and
Evolution, except in the minds of those, on both 'sides', who'd, supposedly,
attempt to dictate that which physical reality 'is'.

clearly, if physical reality is not infinitely-enduring in both directions with
respect to any 'point' in 'time' (which both 'sides' hold is not the case),
then all one has to do to reconcile the positions of the two 'sides', with
respect to this one question, is to take what is referred to as the 'time'
involved, and divide by seven.

'static Creation' is readily seen to be an absurd conception =especially= from
the perspective of Christianity. If God was finished Creating us, God coming to
us, in Jesus, could make no difference... we'd have been 'static', unable to
lift ourselves up to the stuff that Jesus Taught and did.

'static Creation' 'Denies' Jesus... 'Denies' God.

the Absurdity inherent is matched, however, by 'science', which not only
'Denies' theTruth Jesus Taught, but enforces it's 'Denial', and imposes it upon
Innocents as a 'necessary' precondition of being admitted into the endeavor
that is Science.

all the 'Creation/Evolution' non-question amounts to is so many Ignorant
Jackasses 'braying' at one another.

if the result of such were not so Tragic, it'd be laughable.

'christians', involved, completely Ignoring everything Jesus Taught with
respect to Loving one's 'neighbor'... 'scientists' completely ignoring Truth...
all to the end absolutely contrary to everything in the Truth Jesus Taught.

the problem hasn't been 'religion' or 'science'.

the problem has been =Ignorance= Embraced by folks who profess to 'serve' their
respective perspectives.

it's been Pathetic, on both 'sides'.

just look at the 'results' that've befallen Humanity because 'practicioners' in
both, so-called 'science' and so-called 'religion' have called that which is
merely-familiar to them 'truth', and behaved in accord with such... savage war
and ravaging slaughter.

the deadly knee-jerkings of Ignorant Jackasses.

inclusing, forgive me, your own, when you imply that Jesus 'stooped' to the
'level' of the 'Creation/Evolution' non-question.

Jesus was, and is, the 'unveiling' of Truth, itself... the 'Apocolypse'...
'Armageddon' took place, ~2000 years ago, on Calvary. the Truth Jesus Unveiled
to us is unfolding still, despite the lingering, but ever-diminishing,
Ignorance that's continued even to our present 'day'.

if =anyone=, 'Religious' or Scientist, only looks, they'll see that Jesus took
care of everything 2000 years ago.

but do folks even bother to look?

no, folks in both 'science' and 'religion' 'just' cling, blindly, to that which
has become merely-familiar to them... supposedly, 'acknowledging' =it= as
'truth', when all folks're doing is taking themselves, and putting themselves
where only Truth Exists, and then imposing it upon Innocents, who,
subsequently, perpetuate the Deception that's ravaged Humanity since the

the 'Deceiver' (the 'Antichrist') is not an 'individual'... it is Ignorance,
perpetuated via force, and it resides, flesh-of-our-flesh, within our nervous
systems, as the by-products of Truth having gone, all-'Arrogantly, unrecognized
since Jesus Unveiled Truth to all.

just look around. Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

but what do so-called 'christians' do?

pretty-much anything =except= "Love their neighbors", as "neighbor" is defined
by Jesus.

folks in 'science' do the same... heck, in my case, folks in 'science' have
flat-out Denied Science, rather than acknowledge simple Truth which goes
against their merely-familiar stuff.

'christians' Stomp Christ... 'scientists' Stomp Science... and all involved are
so 'Blind' that they cannot even perceive that they're not only 'Denying'

They're Denying themselves, and all that they propose themselves to 'be'.

=That= is what Jesus Unveiled.

Check it out.

See it with your own eyes.

but, i'll appreciate it if you tkae another stab at it (in the Spirit of Rev.

K. P. Collins

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