Massive depth of field

gary gaugler see.signature at bottom.com
Tue Oct 26 16:37:12 EST 1999

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:56:34 +0100, "Syncroscopy" <nospam at nospam.com>

>> If you do this any where near real time it takes a lot of computer
>> power. If you have to align them as well it gets real hairy real fast.
>> Just finding the infocus pixels on a high resolution image takes a lot
>> of processing power. Then having to deal with it in a visual
>> environment is a headache.
>> Nothing magic just real hard work.
>Have a look at Montage Explorer,
>Using the normal microscope controls you can wander around the sample under
>investigation at high magnification building up a composite in-focus picture
>in real time, with image sizes up 6k x 6k pixels. This involves locating the
>in-focus components and image alignment and is done in real time on a 500Mhz
>Pentium III PC !!!

I take multiple shots manually focused and saved to disk using a Sony
DKC-5000.  analySIS is fast.  I am using a P-III/550 with 384MB RAM
and 30G hard drive.

Gary Gaugler, Ph.D.
Modern surfers use PC boards....you can too at


 E-mail: gary at gaugler dot com

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