meditation/altered conciousness and neuroscience

Nick Medford nick at hermit0.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 26 12:19:47 EST 1999

In article <3815BF86.5A751ECE at colorado.edu>, Alexander Shenkin
<al at cad-tech.com> writes
>I'm researching meditation, it's effects, and other altered states of
>conciousness from (as much as possible) the perspective of
>neuroscience.  Are there canonical works in this field on this subject?
>Major figures?  Also, if anyone know of good resources out there, those
>would also be greatly apprecicated.  Thanks very much...
>Alex Shenkin
There's a lot of work in these areas, but an excellent starting point would be
James Austin's book "Zen and the brain". He's a professor of neurology and
an experienced Zen practitioner, and the book is notable for its sober
treatment of areas that are too often dogged by pseudo-science and non-

Nick Medford

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