gary gaugler wrote:
> Bad URL
> What's so unique and revolutionary about this? Soft-Imaging has had
> this in their analySIS product for years. It is called EFI, Extended
> Focal Imaging.
>> They also have MIA, which is Multiple Image Alignment and makes a
> large montage image out of many smaller images.
The correct URL is
Although there have been products that allowed manual cutting and pasting of
in-focus sections of an image series, Auto-Montage was the first system to
automatically extract in-focus elements of an image series. Auto-Montage
also allows you to make 3D measurements based on the depth map data.
MIA-type systems have indeed been available for years (since well before SIS
did it). Montage Explorer is different because the image combination
happens in real time, and it doesn't require a motorised stage.