Memory mechanism

Liam space_cadet at themoon.co.uk
Sun Oct 24 20:15:57 EST 1999

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 00:48:31 GMT, c_thomas_wild at my-deja.com wrote:

>In article <38109595.13684691 at news.attcanada.net>,
>  Kromos at hotmail.com (GeeZ) wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Is there any molecular mechanism establish for long term memory?
>> thank you
>Perhaps simplified/oversimplified, aren't several
>neurotransmitters/body chemicals/and so on linked with memory?  Such as
>adrenaline (epinephrine) for a vivid life-time/parts of a vivid life-
>time memory and dopamine for memory/parts of memory in general?
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
>Before you buy.

LOL, the leading brains nowadays still can't understand a slugs brain.

If you don't know, just post "I dunno"

No-one accepts being baffled (by B.), rather than stunned (by S.)

Peptides, AMPA, etc anyone ?


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