SV: Capacity of the brain

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Sun Oct 24 17:42:18 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: SV: Capacity of the brain
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ  (ken collins)
>Date: Sun, 24 October 1999 06:19 PM EDT
>Message-id: <19991024181951.27966.00000540 at ng-ba1.aol.com>


>so-called 'secrets' cannot, in actuality, be 'hidden'

which is why, over the years, i have Lovingly, but Firmly, Warned folks with
respect to this-or-that.

some have been 'frightened' that i do so, because they've no understanding of
'Love', and all that's in-it, including Obligation to not just 'stand-by' when
one sees folks wandering, 'blindly, toward 'the Abyss', in all it's myriad


>Love Truth, and Truth Loves one right-back.

or not, and not.

>it's Exact and Deterministic [...]

K. P. Collins

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