SV: Capacity of the brain

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Sun Oct 24 03:28:58 EST 1999


>it's like 'bit-shifting'... nothing ever interacts with more than it's
>'neighboring' stuff, yet the whole 'thing' is altered.
>it occurs this way, in Tapered Harmony's view, be-cause the UES (flowing,
>aether-like, extreme-fluid) behaves in accord with the one-way flow of energy
>from order to disorder that is What's Described By 2nd Thermo (wdb2t), which,
>Tapered Harmony holds, is, in accord with wdb2t, dynamically 'optimized'
>('taught') throughout the universe.

make the preceding paragraph read:

it occurs this way, in Tapered Harmony's view, be-cause the UES (flowing,
aether-like, extreme-fluid) behaves in accord with the one-way flow of energy
from order to disorder that is What's Described By 2nd Thermo (wdb2t), which,
Tapered Harmony holds, is dynamically 'optimized' ('taut') throughout the


sorry, dashed the original off too recklessly. ['taught'-taut :-) i 'mourn' the
waste inherent in the disorder inherent in American (English) spelling,
'excuse' myself because of it, and 'take my lumps', rather than endure the
costs inherent in the waste. kpc]

K. P. Collins (ken)

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