Get in on the Ground Floor of AI

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Sat Oct 23 21:53:39 EST 1999

Dr. Alfred B. Bortz, Ph.D., Writer & Consultant, wrote on 23 Oct 1999:
> In article <XhaQ3.30051$E_1.1649290 at typ11.nn.bcandid.com>,
> kinsler at frognet.net (Mark Kinsler) wrote:

>> Which brings up a question: what ever happened to artificial
>> intelligence, anyway?  Did it work?   Do we find the various
>> techniques in current computer routines?

The phrase "uses AI techniques" is a cop-out in describing a
software package.  For real AI based on neuroscience and Chomsky,
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/mind-fpc.html Mind.Forth
is the "ground floor" of an open source, public domain AI project.

>> I'm not making a judgement here: I really don't know.  Though
>> I haven't heard anything about AI in a long time, it's quite
>> possible that we're seeing the fruits of the research in products
>> like language translation programs (I was surprised to see these:
>> didn't think they were possible) and optical character recognition
>> software.
>> M Kinsler
>> who once took a course in neural networks.    
>> --

> AI is still going along fine, and the fruits you mention are there;
> but it is no longer the "hot" field  it once was.  I guess it's gone
> through its adolescence and is now a young adult -- with more potential
> yet to be realized.

> To me, the best indication that AI is stabilizing is that my book
> MIND TOOLS, published in 1992 for teens-up, is not yet out of date
> or out of print.  I even more or less predicted the victory of Deep
> Blue over Kasparov, so the game-playing chapter is a bit stale but
> still far from useless.  My guess is that the whole book is in a
> similar state of aging.  To my surprise, it still sells well at
> personal appearances and still results in two modest but
> appreciated royalty checks per year.

Anyone publishing or updating a book on AI/neuroscience/robotics etc.,
please consider including a diagram or Web link or other tidbit on
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/aisource.html Mind.Forth PD AI for robots.
> The books for adult audiences that I cite in my "Further Reading"
> section are also still useful.

> Anyway, that's the view from someone who moved to the AI sidelines
> once the book appeared.

> Fred

> P.S.: Mark, I could only follow-up on k12.ed.science.  Would you mind 
> posting this on the other ngs from your posting  (rec.games.programmer,
> comp.ai.games,comp.games.development.programming.algorithms,
> alt.games.programming).  Thanks!

>Fred Bortz  --  Author of science and technology books for young readers
>                    (-:          (-:        :-)        :-)               
>            DrFredB at worldnet.att.net      http://www.fredbortz.com
> --------
>Got a science question? "Ask Dr. Fred," now appearing monthly
>     in the Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette ( http://www.dinosaur.org )

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