Massive depth of field

gary gaugler see.signature at bottom.com
Sat Oct 23 08:00:24 EST 1999

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 13:16:22 +0100, "Syncroscopy" <nospam at nospam.com>

>Syncroscopy have developed a new system, called Auto-Montage, which allows
>microscope users to create images with pratically unlimited depth of field.

Bad URL.

What's so unique and revolutionary about this?  Soft-Imaging has had
this in their analySIS product for years.  It is called EFI, Extended
Focal Imaging.

They also have MIA, which is Multiple Image Alignment and makes a
large montage image out of many smaller images.

Gary Gaugler, Ph.D.
Modern surfers use PC boards....you can too at


 E-mail: gary at gaugler dot com

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