Erik Max Francis <max at> wrote:
>Terje Mathisen wrote:
>> Which is exactly the premise behind a wonderful short story
>> (Hugo/Nebula
>> award winner, I believe) about some people who see the moon light up
>> suddenly, and realize that this is the last night of their lives.
>Yes, "Inconstant Moon" by Larry Niven.
>> PS. I won't reveal the ending, just in case there's someone here who
>> hasn't read it. :-)
>Well, the general jist of the ending is pretty obvious from reading the
>first few sentences: The story is told in first person, past tense.
Quite a few authors have done that, only to have the first person die.
Can anyone remind me of the similar story, where extra spectrographic lines
were detected in the sun, just before the lunar base got cooked?
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