SV: Capacity of the brain

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Fri Oct 22 21:00:31 EST 1999

>what shall it be? ...Birth in Truth, or Death in Falsehood?
>K. P. Collins

'Too hard."...?

WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The Cold War, with its Threat of 'nuclear'
anihilation, Sudan, Ethiopia, Samalia, Tutsies and Hutus, Iran and Iraq, Turks
and Kurds, Afghanistan, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechneya, Chechnia

slaughter of the Native Americans, Slavery, the Abandonment of American

"Science didn't do all this. ...?

Yes, 'science' did... in it's 'moving away from' simple Truth.

there's nothing but Love in what you deem to be, "Too hard."

what i do, i do for Science, as well as the Children.

Our Reliance must be =in= Truth... not 'moving away from Truth.

We shall Fair in accord with our Choice with respect to Truth.

there's no way around such.

Truth =Is= ...everything else is nothingness... Love ('move toward')
nothingness, acquire nothingness.

Love Truth... Truth Loves you right back, showering all it's Joy upon you.

there's nothing but Love in what you deem to be, "Too hard."

K. P. Collins

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