>it's a Sorrow to see 'science' so 'moving away from' simple, but Beautiful,
why folks do such is also explained in NDT... it's all blind, automated TD
E/I-minimization... simply put, prejudice toward that which is merely-familiar
['PTOFA'; pronounced 'too-fa'... like the sound one makes while expectorating].
yet, Sadly, even in its long-ago fully-explicated simplicity, it continues on,
so 'rabid'.
look all around, and "you'll" see, clearly, it's the Same-Stuff that's
so-ravaged Humanity over the course of the Millenia.
'wake-up', and "you'll" see that the ravaging of Humanity will continue until
Science finds, within itself, the Courage to deal with Truth without 'looking
askance', just be-cause merelyunfamiliar Truth is, until it's become familiar
(TD E/I-minimized), =seems= to be 'difficult'.
the prejudice toward that which has been merely-familiar that's inherent, is of
tragically-False pretense with respect to everything that Science professes
'with respect' to itself.
is there anything more-Sorrow-filled than Science, professing to seek Truth,
'moving away from' Truth, instead?
i doubt it, for the tentacles of science's 'moving away from' Truth reach into
Lives of Innocents, across the Globe, there, to wreak the havoc that unchecked
Ignorance inflicts upon folks.
understand well, =all= that's Truly at risk.
Find Courage.
Act on behalf of Humanity.
Sincerely, K. P. Collins