SV: Capacity of the brain

Ronnie Sahlberg ronnie.sahlberg at mbox301.swipnet.se
Fri Oct 22 10:49:02 EST 1999

Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Quantum entanglement involves "quantun information" moving around (and
> in fact travelling faster than light), but there is no way to send a
> message using this mechanism.

Who needs fancy stuff like that. FTL communications are much easier:
look at the heat-dissipation equations.
Heat travels infinitely fast, that's much much faster than light. 
Using heat-dissipation for communications would allow intergalactic
communication systems with close to zero RTT.

Question; if the sun goes nova, it will take 8 minuteas for us to see
Would anyone see the nova (even _very_ briefly) from earth?
or would we all 8 minute old fries by then...

br ronnie sahlberg

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