SV: Capacity of the brain

Ignatios Souvatzis ignatios at cs.uni-bonn.de
Fri Oct 22 05:46:10 EST 1999

In article <U5XP3.7349$cPf.203644416 at news.telia.no>,
	"Patrik Bagge" <pab at neramd.no> writes:
>>Yes. The point of the experiment was to demonstrate that there was no other
>>channel through which the information could have travelled, so very short
>>measurements were used such that (speed of light times time interval) was
>>much smaller than the distance.
> so,could i interpret this experiment to have "communicated" polarization
> at a speed grater than light?

If I remember the report correctly, they used 1.3 microsecond time intervals.
So the minimum speed needed to transmit the correlation is something like 
11 km / 1.3 microsocnds, or, err... some 28 times the speed of light.

However, speed as you know it not very meaningful in Quantum Physics.

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