SV: Capacity of the brain

Ignatios Souvatzis ignatios at cs.uni-bonn.de
Fri Oct 22 05:23:56 EST 1999

In article <CvWP3.7341$cPf.204451840 at news.telia.no>,
	"Patrik Bagge" <pab at neramd.no> writes:
> thanks ignatios, this are the kind of explanations i want to hear.
> so, it was possible to _measure_ the polarization, that certainly
> verifies the existance of 'something', was there any time measurement
> done in this experiment?
> (speed greater than light between point A 11km apart from point B)

Yes. The point of the experiment was to demonstrate that there was no other
channel through which the information could have travelled, so very short
measurements were used such that (speed of light times time interval) was 
much smaller than the distance.


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