SV: Capacity of the brain

Patrik Bagge pab at neramd.no
Fri Oct 22 04:54:42 EST 1999

>> ok, is there a way of expressing the nature of this entanglement
>> (not necessary precise) to an amatour in the matters such as myself.
>Sort of statistical. E.g., it has been possible to create correllated pairs
>of photons, transmit each through its own fibre to a different detector,
>measure the polarization. It was possible to demonstrate that measuring the
>polarization at one site influcences the polarization at the other site,
>distances of 11 km.

thanks ignatios, this are the kind of explanations i want to hear.
so, it was possible to _measure_ the polarization, that certainly
verifies the existance of 'something', was there any time measurement
done in this experiment?
(speed greater than light between point A 11km apart from point B)

>A practical use that has been proposed is to create cryptographic-use
>key pairs at remote sites. If somebody where to eaves-drop, they would
>influence the quantum state too, so it would NOT go unnoticed. Thats a
>nice property: eavesdropping made impossible by laws of physics.

yes, interesting phenomenon, that the measurement influences the measured
, but i can say that this happens to me all the time in the lab when i
put my oscilloscope probe near some HF radio circuit.
i know im not talking about the 'same physics', but the same phenomenon is

Patrik Bagge

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