SV: Capacity of the brain

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Fri Oct 22 03:26:54 EST 1999

>ok, information that cannot contain a usable message.
>is there any practical consequence in this science?

beg pardon, Tapered Harmony's view is that it can, and it does, depending upon
'local' USE 'pressure... all of which is observable experimentally in
LASAR-type, 'superconducting'-type, 'particle'-accelerator-type, etc.
set-ups... and in the so-called 'nuclear' chemistry of stars, the 'solar wind',
Sun's 'magnetic fields', in the motion of galaxies, etc.

it just hasn't been recognized, prior to Tapered Harmony, be-cause the
traditional view ('qm') was trying to cram all of physical reality =into= 'the

K. P. Collins (ken)

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