>Subject: Re: SV: Capacity of the brain
>From: Erik Max Francis max at alcyone.com>Date: Thu, 21 October 1999 04:02 PM EDT
>Message-id: <380F7165.80AFBA72 at alcyone.com>
>>Jamie Lokier wrote:
>>> Quantum physics allows information to be stored in the entanglements
>> between particles. We don't know if there's a limit on the amount of
>> information stored in the enganglements with the environment, that the
>> brain can decode...
>>Except that "information" doesn't correspond very well (if at all) to
>what we normally think of as information.
>Erik Max Francis | icq 16063900 | whois mf303 | email max at alcyone.com> Alcyone Systems | irc maxxon (efnet) | web http://www.alcyone.com/max/> San Jose, CA | languages en, eo | icbm 37 20 07 N 121 53 38 W
> USA | Thu 1999 Oct 21 (39%/950) | &tSftDotIotE
> __
>/ \ Melancholy men, of all others, are the most witty.
>\__/ Aristotle
hi, Erik, i agree re. things at the small ('microscopic') end of the spatial
scale, but at the large ('macroscopic') end of the spatial scale, the
in-between-the 'atoms' stuff's information content becomes
i'm addressing things from the perspective of Tapered Harmony, which has not
yet been formally published, nor acknowledged by others, so you should consider
carefully before carrying this stuff forward. (a footnote's all that's
necessary if you do).
for instance, in the context of your thread, in Tapered Harmony, what have been
referred to as 'atoms' exist as spherical standing wave
'compression'-'expansion' harmonics within a universal energy supply (SSW<->UES
harmonics). things like 'magnetism' and 'electricity' are flows within the UES,
which is an aether-like 'extreme-fluid' (like a fluid, but containing no
interactions among SSW<->UES harmonics ('atoms') are the result of the
distortedness that the "atom's" 'compression'-'expansion' harmonics imposes
upon the UES-flow within the "atom's" vicinity. in Tapered Harmony things like
'charge', 'spin', etc. (all the physical properties of 'atoms') reduce to such
harmonically-'distorted' UES-flows.
the advantage of Tapered Harmony's view is that it's exact and deterministic,
nowhere relying upon 'probabilities'.
what has been referred to as the 'atomic' 'nucleus' is 'just' the dynamic
'state' of an SSW<->UES harmonic being most-'compressed'. again, advantages
include a physical explanation of =why= the 'atomic nuclei' are small, and why
scattering from them seems 'probabilistic'... in all but the most-'compressed'
'state', there's nothing 'solid' enough to 'scatter' (and, in Tapered Harmony's
view, this is not only True for target 'atoms', but also for projectile
SSW<->UES harmonics.
it goes on and on. i know of no physical phenomenon that is not already
explained within Tapered Harmony... and there's no 'weirdness' in-there. i
think Einstein would have enjoyed Tapered Harmony... because there's no 'dice
being thrown-around' in-it.
anyway, there's huge information in the UES-flows. a lot of it is, of course,
already seen, but not recognized for what it is... UES-flows.
i'd love to find a place where i could discuss it all.
cheers, Erik, ken (K. P. Collins)