Darwin's work, perverted

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 21:23:32 EST 1999


>there's been enough of relegating fellow Human Beings to the garbage heap in
>the name of 'political' and 'monetary' 'profits'.


why does there exist such a great impetus toward unscrupulous interaction?

some of it is 'just' Greed.

but _Ever Since Darwin_, and even in Darwin's own 'time', folks've
'interpreted' Darwin's work, Erroneously, to 'mean' that all sorts of
maltreatment of 'others', somehow 'signifies' their own 'fitness'.

this's a Perversion of Darwin's work that Darwin, himself, lamented.

it's totally-False nature is exposed in the facts of the way that the sorts of
Predation that folks Falsely believe Darwin's work, somehow, 'sanctions, tend,
strongly, to foster equal, and opposite, reactions which savagely tear-down any
'gains' that folks, seeing themselves as 'fittest', weasled from 'others'
(those not-'self').

Darwin's work, thus Perverted, is the progenitor of war, slaughter,
destruction, etc.

when such, thus, tears-down everything, where's the 'fitness' which Perverted
'minds' clouded their own grasps upon Truth in weasling efforts to 'justify'
their deliberate maltreatment of fellow Human Beings?

get it straight... there's no 'fitness' in such.

there's only the lamentable Declaration of there being something Missing.

look and see, that which is Missing is 'only' the very-Finest stuff Human...
the stuff which, in fact, distinguishes Humans from animals... the ability to
be aware, as M. L. King explained, that one cannot hold one's brothers and
sisters down in the gutter without remaining in the gutter one's self.

there's no 'fitness' in such.

get it straight.

such doesn't 'justify' cruel, thoughtless manipulation of fellow Humans.

all it does is declare one's actions to be that of a Jackass.

why 'bother' coming to terms with all of this?

because the 'tightness' within the global thermodynamic, which is the sum of
Human behavior is augmenting.

it's 'time' for Humans to come-together in =equal= Justice for all...

...because, "Truth wins, one way or another, sooner or later."

making 'excuses', going through wildly-manipulative efforts, etc., to 'justify'
taking advantage of fellow Humans only advances the 'time' when Truth will win
the 'hard' way.

good grief! wake up! while there's still 'time' to do so.

i know it's 'hard'... what, with all that 'fitness' to manage... at least,
think about waking-up.


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