Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 17:45:32 EST 1999

>the 'fuss' i made with respect to the mapping of the 'arrows' in the previous
>msg was all with respect to the =global= preservation-of-'flat'-TD
>E/I-minimization mapping problem.

i included an example in AoK, Ap3 (pA3-14, for those with paper copies), that
folks can look-up in the literature if they want to.

quoting from AoK:

"In the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, the terminations of noxious and
non-noxious sensory fibers are mapped inversely with respect to each other (in
a topologically-distributed antagonistic fashion) (p. 245 [_Human
Neuroanatomy_, 7th Ed., by Carpenter and Sutin], diagram p. 246)."

the 'noxious' 'arrow' is inverted with respect to the 'non-noxious' 'arrow'
be-cause the 'reticular system' (AoK, Ap3, Ap5) is, throughout it's entire
extent, mapped with external-environmental directionality preserved. the
'epicritic system' (ibid) is mapped, throughout its entire extent (even though
it decussates here and there) antagonistically with respect to the 'reticular

if folks look at the diagram on p246 of Carpenter and Sutin, they'll see what i
was talking about in the 'gyri'-'sulci'-'arrows' msg... except, they'll see it
at spinal levels, occuring =without the benefit of the 'gyri'-'sulci' stuff
that i discussed in the 'gyri'-'sulci'-'arrows' msg.

in the more-primitive, longer circuit lengths, see the =opposite= of what i was
discussing in the 'gyri'-'sulci'-'arrows' msg.

at cortical 'levels', where much-more must be integrated, it just wouldn't do
to try to get away with 'clumbsy', needlessly-non-minimal circuit lengths.

hence, the stuff of the 'gyri'-'sulci'-'arrows' msg.

why all this additional 'fuss'?

i sense that, yet again, folks've 'thrown the baby out with the bath water'...
i didn't get into thalamic connectivity in the 'gyri'-'sulci'-'arrows' msg. i
was only focussing upon inter-cortical neural topology, with respect to the
'reticular system'.


look at it from my perspective... i'm exiled. no one will allow me any 'normal'
Scientific interaction. i see folks 'flying-off-the-handle' with respect to
stuff that they've never even considered, falsely-finitizing, and then, dumping
the stuff of their false-finitizations on me.

"Let's make 'mud-pies'! Who cares about Truth?"


and then, there's the other folks, who only see 'profits'.


K. P. Collins

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