Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 13:58:24 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ  (ken collins)
>Date: Wed, 20 October 1999 01:43 PM EDT
>Message-id: <19991020134324.11020.00000090 at ng-ba1.aol.com>


>the coordinate-translation, inherent, allows 'flat'-directionality with
>to TD E/I-minimization.
>with respect to TD E/I-minimization, the nervous system is all one big
>'hyperplane'... a 'plane', period, with respect to TD E/I-minimization...

to take it to the 'extreme', with respect to TD E/I-minimization, it's
'one-dimensional'... a 'line'... TD E/I(down) - 'move toward'; TD E/I(up) -
'move away from'.

all of the subtle nuances of behavior extend this directionality-'line' to 3-D
space as a result of the TD E/I that's imposed upon the nervous system through

with respect to 'genetics', the same is True on an evolutionary 'time' scale...
the 'innate' 'fear' of snakes, for instance, is in-there be-cause organisms
that 'moved away from' snakes'... which experienced TD E/I(up) with respect to
'snakes'... survived, while those which experienced TD E/I(down) with respect
to 'snakes', succumbed to snakes' venom.

such stuff translates directly into the genetic 'blueprint' which,
subsequently, orchestrates the ontology of the embryonic neural topology.

it's all 'just' the one-way flow of energy from order to disorder that is
what's described by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t)... Life climbs the energy gradient
inherent... the energy gradient 'breathes' directionality into Life... Life
Loves to "feel the 'wind' in it's face" :-)

the 'problem', inherent, is that, to the degree that a population is isolated
with respect to another population, the behavioral repetoirs of individuals
within each population will tend to diverge, and the 'fundamental wisdom' which
saves one from 'the snake', becomes the 'tragic flaw' which 'interprets'
innocuous 'difference' as being 'analogous' to 'the snake', inducing 'moving
away from' the merely-unfamiliar stuff... simply be-cause nervous systems have
done lots of TD E/I-minimization with respect to their 'familiar' stuff, but
relatively-little TD E/I-minimization with respect to stuff with which they've
little, or no, experience.

=that=, since 'time'-immorial, has been what has been deemed to 'justify'

against this 'background', Jesus said, "Love your enemy"... and, when one looks
into the neural topology, one sees that Jesus was correct... the slaughter has
no necessary existence on the basis of anything that's innate within the neural

the the existence of the slaughter derives in Ignorance... the incredible
'rallying-cry' has been, "Preserve Ignorance. Preserve Slaughter."

...and, so, Ignorance and slaughter have been preserved, even though nothing
within us necessitates that either of them must be so preserved.

i understand that acknowledging Jesus is extremely-hard for some, i also
understand that there's nothing in anyone that makes it necessarily-so.

what's at stake is folks' abilities to see Truth... 'moving away from' Truth
results only in folks' 'moving away from' Truth, more.

it's 'time' to plant roses in the divide.

K. P. Collins

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