Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 12:43:24 EST 1999

>TD E/I-minimization is a =global= thing... this extraordinary neural
>architecture allows it to be 'flat'... it's that 'flatness' which allows
>referred to as 'consciousness' to be all-one-thing... which imbues 'self'
>'self-ness'... the internal frame of reference which is all
>with respect to global TD E/I-minimization.

the coordinate-translation, inherent, allows 'flat'-directionality with respect
to TD E/I-minimization.

with respect to TD E/I-minimization, the nervous system is all one big
'hyperplane'... a 'plane', period, with respect to TD E/I-minimization...

it's so much easier to do all of this... to convey it's essence... at a

guess "chaulk's" "'two"-expensive", eh?

stomp the Children... stomp the Future... save the "chaulk"?

K. P. Collins (ken)

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