Is Consciousness Discrete?

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 12:12:41 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: Is Consciousness Discrete?
>From: Jared Blackburn blackjar at infidels.org 
>Date: Wed, 20 October 1999 11:00 AM EDT
>Message-id: <380DD8FC.23A0C79E at infidels.org>

> This is why Schoerndinger invented his cat
>paradox, to show how rediculous the "reality is not objective" view is,
>by moving to a more macroscopic and obvious level, and why Einstein
>stated "I don't believe a mouse can alter the universe just be looking
>at it."

Einstein's view is diametrically-opposed to Schroedinger's. Einstein was
correct, Schroedinger was 'just' 'singing in tune' with what had, erroneously,
become merely-fashionable.

the 'problem' in 'modern physics' is that folks were looking at 'the atom' and
ignoring the Universe... trying to transform 'the atom' into 'the Universe',
without caring that the Universe is exceedingly-very-much-more than is 'the

carry everything forward, with respect to the Universe, whole, and
Schroedinger's conjecture is readily seen to be non-sensical.

but do folks in 'physics' do such?


instead, in order to preserve the merely-fashionable, Erroneous thing they've
swooned over for a hundred years, they weave fantasies about 'quantum
weirdness', and trash anyone who points out their error, including Einstein :-)

Physical Reality is Exact and Deterministic. it's just that not everything
within this exact-determinism is 'contained' within 'the atom'... looking at
Physical Reality as if everything is 'contained' within 'the atom' induces one
to 'see' 'quantum weirdness'.

it's all just a 'trick that nervous systems, not understanding how information
is processed within themselves, play upon themselves.

K. P. Collins (ken)

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