Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Wed Oct 20 11:57:19 EST 1999

>Subject: Re: Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain
>From: "\"Devil's Advocate\"" removeallbut.fellin.onthisside at one.net.au 
>Date: Wed, 20 October 1999 05:45 AM EDT
>Message-id: <380d8c13 at pink.one.net.au>


>What are you saying?!


Addendum to the response i posted to you just a 'minute' ago:

Thank you, Peter Fellin, your post allowed me to see that I'd, needlessly, left
the illusion of 'mystery' in my discussion.

it's just that i forget that folks don't seem to comprehend what's been in AoK
all along.

i'm out-here, scratching my head, saying, 'why is no one soaring with Joy at
the Beauty inherent?"

your msg was helpful in allowing me to see where i could do better.

it's just hard to 'do-better' from within my exile.

cheers, Peter, ken

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