>Subject: Re: Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain
>From: "\"Devil's Advocate\"" removeallbut.fellin.onthisside at one.net.au>Date: Wed, 20 October 1999 05:45 AM EDT
>Message-id: <380d8c13 at pink.one.net.au>
>>>ken collins <kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ> wrote in message
>> snip
>> the existence of the 'gyri' and 'sulci' make possible minimized circuit
>> within, and among, various cortical loci... which is all very-important
>> respect to optimization of nervous system function with respect to
>> shorter circuit lengths reduce activation latencies, and, thus, action and
>> reaction 'times', all the while, minimizing energy 'consumption'
>> K. P. Collins
>>What are you saying?! If you are "insinuating correctly" about the anatomy
>of the wiring of the cortex, then I have been utterly ignorant -- again!
>Except that this time I would like it *if* I have been ignorant in respect
>of what you are implying.
perhaps you're referring to sections that show the relatively-long
inter-cortical fibers doing gyrus-to-gyrus "U"-turns?
obviously, going-by-way-of-a-"U" is longer than
but remember, it's the =whole= nervous system that is the integrated thing. it
wouldn't do to have a, say, 'spherical', 'un-crumpled', cortex because that'd
force all of the relatively-longer connecting fibers to be
relatively-longer-still, and relatively-larger-diameter-still, and hence, more
energy-consuming... we'd all be enormously-big-headed, having to have neck and
trunk musculature that'd be the dominant feature of the external appearance of
the gross anatomy... and any compact-head, that'd gotten the Geometry correct,
could dance circles around us, and, therefore, out-survival us... we'd be
ex-stink :-)
relatively-short (gyrus-to-gyrus) fibers can be, and are, relatively-longer
be-cause the 'crumpling' of the cortical 'spherical-shell section' allows
relatively-longer fibers to be relatively-shorter.
it's the =global= minimization of fiber lengths that's the important,
determining-global-latency thing... which determines the survival thing.
remember, the main thing about all 'crumpled-bag nuclei is =coordinate
translation=. the primary somatosensory and (somato)motor cortical areas, for
instance, are 'mirror-images', which, as is discussed in AoK, Ap5, enable
straight-forward 'dynamic-subordinate-coupling', 'senssory-motor-template'
mismatch-detection (TD E/I(up)-detection, which, be-cause of the Geometry i've
been discussing in this thread, is all =elegantly= optimized with respect to TD
E/I-minimization... TD E/I(up) in a 'sensory' cortical 'area' not only is
mapped directly to it's counterpart in 'motor' cortex, but it's also
topologically-'inverted' (mirror-imaged), so 'flat' TD E/I-minimization
automatically cross-correlates =directionalities= with respect to 'moving
toward' and 'moving away from'.
this preservation-of-directionalities-with-respect-to-TD E/I-minimization is
what's referred to in NDT as "the internal frame of reference".
this is =extraordinarily-powerful= information-processing Geometry... the
beauty in-it brings tears of Joy to one's eyes.
it's all discussed in AoK, and there's an easier example, with respect to the
cerebellum's involvement in 'pain'-avoidance, in AoK's 'short-paper' section.
i've also discussed the 'lower-level' Geometry repeatedly in this NG.
the great decussations are 'just' more of the overall
minimization-of-fiber-lengths-while-preserving 'flat' TD E/I-minimization
Geometry that i'm discussing in this thread.
the 'fuss' i made with respect to the mapping of the 'arrows' in the previous
msg was all with respect to the =global= preservation-of-'flat'-TD
E/I-minimization mapping problem.
TD E/I-minimization is a =global= thing... this extraordinary neural
architecture allows it to be 'flat'... it's that 'flatness' which allows what's
referred to as 'consciousness' to be all-one-thing... which imbues 'self' with
'self-ness'... the internal frame of reference which is all 'perfectly'-aligned
with respect to global TD E/I-minimization.
the nervous system isn't 'difficult'... it's all elegantly-straight-forward...
dealing with all of it's straight-forwardness is, however, a bit arduous
because there's so-much, and because the neural topology (Geometry) at every
'point' within the Neuroanatomy must be cross-correlated with that of every
other 'point' within the Neuroanatomy... 'just' a lot of straight-forward
work... there's no 'mystery', 'designed' to 'trip-folks-up' in-there... there's
'just' awesome-Beauty in-there.
yeah, it's a lot, but don't 'feel bad' about not understanding... how can
'you' understand if i'm not allowed to present my Science in 'normal' ways?
how many 'times' does a guy have to beg to just be allowed to do Science in
the 'normal' way?
"seventy times seven" :-)
if i've not addressed your concerns, then please zero in on them a bit
cheers, Peter, ken (K. P. Collins)