Is Consciousness Discrete?

Jared Blackburn blackjar at infidels.org
Wed Oct 20 10:00:12 EST 1999

> >Doug Klimesh wrote in message news
> >[snip}"And that to truly understand consciousness, you must go beyond
> >the bounds of purely objective science. Remember that quantum physics
> >shows that objectiveness is a myth."

	No, quantum physic IN NO WAY shows that objectivity is a myth -- it has
nothing to do with objectity, but is mearly a set of equations that
describe phenomina to the best ability currently possible.  There are
numerous philosophical interpretations of the probabilistic nature of
these equations, incuding: "reality is subjective or determined by the
observer," "every possible out-come happens, as the 'timeline' splits
through unprecieved dementions of time," "souls spirits influence the
world though manipulating the probabilities," "there are hard, fast
rules, but we don't understand them, and must use probabilistic
descritpions," "qunatum phenomina are truly random," and many others --
that is the philosophy of qunatum theory, though, not the science.  It
is pushing ideas like this that lead many physicists to laugh and scoff
and people in the behavioral sciences.

	I might note, that for anything to be true, even a propostition like
"physical reality is subjective," a there must be an objective reality
on some level, or the proposition itself is not true (ie, is not
valid).  Quantum physic is based on and in onjective reality -- it is
only some peoples (even a few rare, but famous physicists) twisting of
it to push mystical ideas.  This is why Schoerndinger invented his cat
paradox, to show how rediculous the "reality is not objective" view is,
by moving to a more macroscopic and obvious level, and why Einstein
stated "I don't believe a mouse can alter the universe just be looking
at it."

Jared Blackburn.

blackjar at infidels.org 	 http://web.utk.edu/~lubar
enlil at utk.edu         	 http://www.planetc.com/users/blackjar

"For faith is the substance of fantasies wished for,
 the evidence of things not true." 	 -- me

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