inhibitory LTP

Devil's Advocate removeallbut.fellin.onthisside at one.net.au
Wed Oct 20 05:01:03 EST 1999

Lawrence Ryan <loryan at sfu.ca> wrote in message
news:7ui3q4$fmm$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> And what is the trigger?
One *most primary* kind of trigger (the one I referred to) is "Hibernation
Imploring Situations (or "Stressors" if you prefer)". A directly related
*secondary* (but often greatly accumulated) trigger is active (or
reactivated) CURSES (for, Conditioned-in Unconcsiously Remembered Stressors
(here specifically some easily specifiable "Selective HITS")

The rest was <snipped> by

"Sir Knowitall" alias "Devil's Advocate"



> >Yes they do. One possible post-synaptic mechanism is increased >number
> >of GABA(A) receptors.

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