>Subject: Re: Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ (ken collins)
>Date: Tue, 19 October 1999 09:47 PM EDT
>Message-id: <19991019214714.16843.00000061 at ng-bd1.aol.com>
oh yeah... why cortical =loop= circuits, anyway.
consider the problem... what's the necessary thing?
it is to achieve just the necessary activation of cortical efferents that will
result in a particular "behavior's" being manifest.
there're a lot of other cortical efferents, but consider the pyramidals...
what's necessary for their 'appropriate' activation?
they must receive afferent activation that'll 'sum' to produce the necessary
impulse rates that, when integrated at the effectors, will result in the
effectors contracting just-so, in a way that's well-correlated to the overall
ongoing 'behavior'.
given the highly-ordered, layered structure of cortex, it's a straight-forward
thing to set up local, intra-cortical loop circuits that'll impinge upon the
pyramidal dendrites, resulting in passive spread tuned precisely to the needs
of the 'appropriate' pyramidal activation.
thousands of such local loop circuits can all be tuned, simultaneously, via TD
E/I-minimization, all with respect to individual pyramidal cells, and the same
stuff readily takes care of the needs of al of the cortical pyramidal cells,
and other cortical afferents... it's all straight-forward, via TD
'inappropriate' output?
the environment will 'signal-back' via activation that'll result in the
occurrence of TD E/I(up), which'll incorporate a TD E/I(up)-comensurate
stochastic component. this'll result in 'chance' variations in
low-biological-mass loop circuits, which'll modify their intrinsic
loop-lengths, and, hence, their 'timing'... so, by thus 'exploring'
loop-circuit lengths, and varying them in accord with TD E/I-minimization (see
'ratchet-pawling' in the sections of AoK, Ap5 that discuss hippocampal and
basal ganglia(l) function), converge upon the 'appropriate' activation of the
the mechanism is robust, scales-up to all of cortex (g'zillions of tuning
events, all coordinated via TD E/I-minimization), is fail-safe-built-in,
self-organizing, and self-correcting, and is extraordinarily-capable, as anyone
who enjoys a 'thought' can witness for themselves.
hence, the loop-circuits
[my use of quotes around "appropriate", above, is because what's 'appropriate'
is 'defined' experientially... one person's 'appropriateness' might very-well
be another person's 'inappropriateness' (after Kant(?)).
and =that's= the whole 'point' of all of my 'rantings'... without an
understanding of how nervous systems converge upon their individually-unique
versions of 'appropriateness', such occurs on automatic pilot... which is so
prone to spilling-over into slaughter.
that these things are so important to understand is why i'll just keep-on when
i see that folks've not yet gotten-it... i've not the luxury of being permitted
to 'care' about how my standing-on-my-head, etc., leaves my appearance. i don't
want anyone to agree without understanding... i want folks to have a chance to
understand, and to choose, with their own good minds.
K. P. Collins
[P. S. i've been 'hard', recently because i became aware that i'd been targeted
for 'manipulation'. that stuff and i just don't get along... so, please, unless
'you' want it stuffed back down 'your' throat, refrain.
i must do what i must do, no matter what anyone else does. it's as simple as
i don't accept 'back-room deals', and i don't 'twist' myself this way and that
in order to 'curry favor' on my own behalf.
i'd rather die alone than, in such ways, 'move away from' Truth.
illusions of there being ways to 'circumvent' Truth, are just that...
just look at where such ignoring of Truth has gotten Humanity... just now,
everything's all hair-triggery... for what? for the sake of folks' putting
their 'faith' in all their ignorant attempts to 'manipulate' Truth. kpc]