Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Tue Oct 19 20:47:14 EST 1999


>although it's still deemed to be 'mysterious', be-cause of it's
>neural architecture, 'neocortex' is one of the easiest things to get sorted
>out... there's a 'caveat' involved, though... 'neocortex' only becomes easy
>=after= everything else within the nervous system is integrated. this
>circumstance results from the fact of the very-same highly-ordered neural
>architecture that makes understanding 'neocortex' easy...

left an important thing only-implicit... the relatively-uniform structure of
cortex made it 'difficult' because, well... it just seems 'the same' no matter
where one looks.

that's why it's necessary to understand, and integrate the sub-cortical stuff
before cortex yeilds completely... comprehension of the sub-cortical stuff
'delineates' cortex, 'projecting' onto its relative-uniformity, a
functional-correlation 'map', which one can, then, 'follow', to understanding
of cortex, despite its relative-uniformity.

get it?

in actuality, things went back-and-forth between sub-cortical and cortical
'levels', via many iterations which converged monotonically.

in other words.. things of the TD E/I-minimizer got TD E/I-minimized :-)


>see for 'yourself' by drawing arrow on 'your' crumpled paper bag... go into
>'sulci', up over the 'gyri', etc., to 'your' "heart's" 'desire', all the
while, studying 
>carefully how the correlations of the Geometry of arrows which, if they'd been

>drawn on a horizontal plane, is very-different from the correlations of the
>arrows when they are drawn upon 'your' paper bag's 'gyri' and 'sulci'.

more important stuff left only-implicit... =while maintaining minimal circuit

that's what's so wonderful about the 'gyri' and 'sulci' Geometry.

don't miss seeing it for 'yourself'.

cheers, y'all.

K. P. Collins (ken)

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