Dear Newsgroup,
I typically avoid posting personal queries to forums devoted to
professional correspondence, but would like to try it once:
I have recently begun having a sensation during periods of extreme
relaxation (meditation) which remind me of a feeling I sometimes had as
a very small child. I wonder if any in the group have heard of such
"symptoms" being reported by people in connection to a recognisable
The sensation is very hard to describe, but "extreme heaviness and
hardness" is the most succinct description that occurs to me. It is not
so much as though something hard and heavy is weighing me down, but
much more that I get the sensation that *I am* an extremely hard mass
of heavy material. When the sensation begins it is accompanied by a
hint of pain much like the ache from being struck on the nose, which
dulls into a numb feeling as the sensation continues.
As I said, I can clearly remember having this sensation as a very small
child (typically during fevers). I am 37 years old and started
meditating (muscle relaxation method) some 15 years ago very
occaisionally as a way to relax or improve concentration. I've never
noted any ill effects until recently. In just the last three years the
sensation has started to occur after I've reach a deep level of
relaxation and stay there for several minutes.
The sensation is not pleasant and through "waking" just a little I can
make it cease. However, I have recently decided to actually pursue
*sustaining* the sensation for 10 minutes or so, in hope of getting
some idea what the sensation represents, or in the hope that the cause
of the sensation will somehow "wear itself out".
As you can see from what I just wrote, I'm really quite clueless as to
what it is, what to do about it and whether it's the sort of thing one
*should* even try to do something about.
I just realised the feeling may simply be from flexing the muscles in
my head too much during the muscle relaxation phase of the meditation.
I've never considered the muscles in my head as being overly strong,
but I suppose years of meditation might cause them to strengthen
sufficiently such that tightening them during muscle relaxation
actually causes stress to the brain etc, thus subsequently causing the
sensation. This fits particularly well together with fact that
*feverishness* caused the same sensation for me as a child. Still, it's
funny, because I've never heard anyone else talk about such a sensation
during a fever. It will, in any event, be easy enough to simply flex my
facial/head muscles less in the future and see if the sensation quits
Any other ideas?
- DeepStream
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