well -

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Tue Oct 19 00:33:13 EST 1999


>to the degree that one intermingles other stuff with Science, the Science
>becomes something =between= Science and the other stuff.
>because it exposed the wellspring of 'hatred', NDT's stuff is unique, in this
>regard, in the entire history of Science.
>it's a fulcrum-point in Humanity's going-forward.
>so i just do Science.

since it seems to me that the Jackasses are determined to continue on being
Jackasses... "we didn't do it"... i guess i'll just get a few things off my
chest, and move on to whatever it is that's left in my life.

with respect to the Nobel Peace Prize: it was clear to me that unscrupulous
folks had manipulated the Norwegian Selection Committee. the unscrupulous folks
were "offering me a 'deal'", believing that doing so would 'shut me up', and,
otherwise, 'distract' me from doing Science. if i'd've accepted the Peace
Prize, NDT's stuff would've been 'brushed aside' because my voice would've
become that of a 'non-Scientist' 'tweener. the word that would've been passed
around would've been, "Well, he's certainly a well-meaning, but misguided
fellow. After all he's got no advanced degree."

"Never mind" that neither did Einstein when he published his Special Relativity
paper. "Never mind" that neither did Marie Curie when she (and Pierre)
discovered Polonium and Radium, and when she verified Radium's existence,
ignighting all of so-called, 'nuclear' Science through her work. "Never mind"
that she did so at the, eventual, cost of her Life.

"Never mind."

With respect to such, all i can say is that it's all inverted... it's not me
who's been Ignorant of the Science, and the "Never-Minders", need to go talk to
themselves before a mirror to see just how stupidly they're behaving.

my offer to demonstrate how it's so, before any Scientists, stands.

this sorrowful dragging of the Nobels into the muck that's been heapped up to
my nostrils over the decades 'just' broke my heart... i witnessed folks talking
of the "Dr. Evil thing" that cost 'him' (me) 'a million dollars'... on TV. i
witnessed 'skits' with respect to such. i witnessed folks reacting in 'outrage'
to my simple, but firm, stand on behalf of Truth... on behalf of Science.

what unfolded was the single most-dispicable thing that's ever been attempted
with respect to legitimate work in Science. control freaks, trying to 'buy-off'
Truth, itself, so that they could 'seek profits', continue to maintain
Humanity's savage maltreatment by the "Beast", Abstract Ignorance, and to,
sickeningly, 'cover-their-butts'... at the disgusting Cost of stealing the
Future from the Children.

why couldn't i 'just' go along? ...take the 'million', and 'run'?

why i could not is in the 'shunting' of my voice that would've been inherent.
these folks wouldn't've allowed the understanding to come forward (except
within the mechaniations of their 'profits', all locked-away as 'trade
secrets', 'national security', etc.), and, given the 'shunting' of my voice,
inherent, i'd've not been able to bring the understanding forward, either.
Sold-out "scientists", with ready access to publication (such as these
'new-cortical-neuron' "scientists"), would've drowned anything that i would've
tried to do in ream after ream of Bull Shit.

so, heart-breaking as i did so, i did what needed to be done, as i always have,
and always will.

there is one 'good' thing that's come out of the failed attempt to manipulate
Truth. it is that now, and only now, is the illogic inherent in all of the
Same-Stuff that's been, since the late 70s, hammering all my attempts to just
get the understanding communicated to folks comprehensible to others. it's been
this same, manipulative, but-often-more-brazen, and usually much-more-hurtful,
stuff... 'time' after 'time', again and again, for decades.

[no one need 'worry', it's not 'vengeance' that's in my heart... the need to
find a way to do what so-needs to be done is what's in-there... how i've longed
to be granted a simple, no-strings-attached, in-the-light-of-day, Legitimate
Publication opportunity.]

so, if folks think i'm 'hard' because of what they know of 'my' online
'persona'... if folks think me 'unreasonable', perhaps folks can, now,
understand that 'my' online 'persona' has been my way of =trying= to do what
needed to be done, despite everything else that was being continually being
heaped up against Truth.

[and =don't get me wrong. i'm no Saint. but i disclosed all of that decades
ago, for the sake of the understanding.]

it hurts a lot when i go back to review things, but i don't 'apologize'... "I
am an American Fighting Man", and i've been at-War, on behalf of the Future, in
your midst.

so, perhaps, these latest events will allow folks to comprehend the past.

where does this all leave me?

that's not the important question.

the important question is where does it leave the understanding?

will it ever reach the Children?

will the slaughter the understanding ameliorates continue?

will such augment?

what will be the next East Timor, the next Kosovo, the next Bosnia, the next
Sudan, the next Somalia?

will the next thing be, as is possible in Pakistan and India, a 'nuclear'

or will it be in a place that's been creeping forward within it's
"two"-isolated 'state'... Afghanistan? North Korea? Iran ( 'buying-'time' while
up to something entirely-different)?

i expect it'll be in China, because, without the understanding, all the folks
in control in China will be able to do is continue to keep the lid screwed down
tight on the pressure-cooker... which is something that just cannot be
accomplished... the thermodynamics are too-large.

my jaw hangs down that the understanding will not be communicated.

and for what?

i gave my word that, after the understanding had been communicated, i'd 'go

i've been doing one thing, and one thing only... plucking folks out of the
grasp of the "Beast"... people aren't the enemy, Ignorance is.

i wish that folks could get, at least that much, straight.

'you' don't even know that which "you've" been so 'afraid' of. 'you' don't know
through 'your' own volition... be-cause the "Beast", Abstract Ignorance, the
absence of an understanding of automated TD E/I-minimization, has dictated to
'you', from within 'your' own flesh, that 'you' must be 'afraid', rather than
understand and be Free.

if that were all that was involved, it wouldn't be so Sorrowful... but, through
its Dictating of 'your' 'choice', the "Beast" still has all the Children, and
through them, the Future, in its merciless grasp.

so, forgive me if i've failed 'you'.

i've tried not to so fail.

the rest is up to 'you'.

all 'fear' derives in Ignorance.

there is =NOTHING= 'fearful' in Truth... nothing, nothing, nothing.

there's work in Truth... but the work, done in Truth, is all-Joy stuff.

K. P. Collins (ken)

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