Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain area

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Mon Oct 18 23:06:37 EST 1999

>Subject: Scientists discover addition of new brain cells in highest brain
>From: "Jo!hn" johnhkm at netsprintXXXX.net.au 
>Date: Mon, 18 October 1999 04:44 AM EDT
>Message-id: <940238176.557480 at server.australia.net.au>
>"PRINCETON, N.J. -- In a finding that eventually could lead to new methods
>for treating brain diseases and injuries, Princeton scientists have shown
>that new neurons are continually added to the cerebral cortex of adult


hi, John.

i went to the lib, today, looking for this article, but it wasn't in the

folks who've got a copy of my 1983 presentation paper (given at the NRL), which
provides an a completely-integrated-with-the-rest-of-the-nervous-system,
fully-functional model of cortical functioning, will see that, if they're
sustained, the only thing that these new findings do is impart new robustness
to NDT's position.

course, the 1983 paper was Censored, so how could anyone know?

i've sent out other copies, but've never heard back.

i'll gladly present the stuff of that paper, in-person, if anyone's interested.

so, in the end, the only thing that's of any real interest to me, with respect
to these findings, is the 'timing' of their release.

i'd say, "Bozos will be Bozos", but that'd be an insult to Bozo :-)

Cheers, Mr. John, ken (K. P. Collins)

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