
Greg greg at slywire.com
Mon Oct 18 14:42:27 EST 1999

I am writing an article on trepanation for an online newsmagazine. I have 
spoken to individuals who have already trepanned themselves and wish to get
some insight from the medical community about this procedure. If you are a
neurosurgeon and are willing to discuss this topic, I would welcome an
opportunity to speak with you via phone. Please provide me with a phone
number and I shall call you at your convenience. I can be reached at my
e-mail address of greg at slywire.com or at (310) 234-2300. Essentially, I wish
to find out:
1) Is there any validity to this procedure or, in the words of one
neurosurgeon who I've spoken to, these people who trepan themselves are
"either psychologically disturbed or incredibly misguided"
2) People who have trepanned themselves subscribe to the belief that by
opening a hole in the skull cavity, they allow the brain to pulsate and
increase their "brain blood volume" - is this valid?
3) Does trepanation increase the volume of blood in the capillaries of the
brain? Other than making a hole in the skull, what DOES trepanation do?
4) Concerning brain pulsations - what exactly does that mean?
5) An article on http://www.trepan.com/ claims that brain pulsations occur
in open skulls but are absent in hermatically-closed skull cavities. The
article can be found at http://www.trepan.com/pulsation/klosovskii.html -
are the conclusions of the article correct or incorrect?
6) Any other thoughts that you may have on the subject are welcome.

Thank you,

PS - If you are aware of any other appropriate newsgroups that this note
could be posted, I would greatly appreciate being directed towards them.
Again, thanks.

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