Looking through cats' eyes

Etaoin Shrdlu cooper17.spamless at xs4all.nl
Mon Oct 18 03:57:51 EST 1999

<Y-chat at webtv.net> wrote in message
news:29662-3808A578-49 at storefull-176.iap.bryant.webtv.net...
> Although I have never objected to the use of animal research for
> necessary medical experimentation, I consider this type of research in
> the same league as using animals to test cosmetics. There should be a
> more humane way of satisfying speculative sensory studies than animal
> torture.

I have always favored the idea of getting volunteers from Dearth Row or the
in-for-life crowd. Commute the sentence (to life--I'm not advocating letting
any serial rapists _go_ in exchange for research participation, or
anything), or offer privileges (to the lifers) and a good facility of
incarceration instead of the hell they're living in, and I'll bet you could
get plenty.

Cosmetics and such could be tested on, say, cloned rabbit eyeballs, or heads
with no brains, or even cloning-produced entire rabbits (or whatever) with
no brains, only a brain stem, whatever--you'd have a living system to test
on, and it would have no awareness whatsoever and so _could not_ suffer, and
never would have had a life if it had been born naturally, and so would not
be deprived of one, as would be  the case if one were to render normal
rabbits into such a state after development.

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