SV: Capacity of the brain

Jan Vorbrueggen jan at mailhost.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Oct 18 02:23:22 EST 1999

"patrik bagge" <patrik-b at online.no> writes:

> I read somewhere that the 'upper' neuronal frequency is about 100Hz

It's moke like 1000 Hz, but that is seldom reached in cortex, where 10-100 Hz
is the norm, with quicker bursts.

> does someone know if information is coded in this neuronal  'pulsation' ?

That has been for about ten years, and still is, a very contentious point
in the field. Read the September special issue of Neuron on the subject.
Compare affiliations of authors to see which side I am on.


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