SV: Capacity of the brain

patrik bagge patrik-b at online.no
Sun Oct 17 12:50:20 EST 1999

>>does your estimates take into account the processing power needed
>>for the possible information flow in all these 1000 connections
>>from every single neuron in the human mind?
>Artificial neural networks usually have a significant number of connections
>which have to be dealt with during updates as well.  If for some reason
>more connections had to be added, that would increase the required
>processing time by some small constant multiplier.

small? constant multiplier...

>>without knowing so, i assume that a human neuron works with
>>analog signal levels, is this 'extra' A/D conversion taken into account?
>Artificial neural networks are essentially analog as well.  When run on a
>PC, they use high-precision real numbers to simulate an analog signal.

hmm, yes, 32 bit (long integer) representation might maybe be accurate
enough and certainly is fast.
I often use integer arithmethic to 'simlutate' floating point

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