>Subject: Re: Attribution of Priority
>From: kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ (ken collins)
>Date: Fri, 15 October 1999 12:28 AM EDT
>Message-id: <19991015002826.08783.00000153 at ng-bd1.aol.com>
>>or is 'the problem' that, as i've explained repeatedly over the years, that,
>with respect to all of NDT's most-significant 'points', i long ago
>Jesus' Priority.
>>if that's 'the difficulty', then there's nothing i can do about such.
>>it's where i stand. i See it all, clearly, literally, with my own eyes, while
>looking into the Neuroanatomy. it's Truth, and i'll gladly demonstrate such,
>anyone has the courage to want to see it.
>>is =that= 'the problem'?
yeah, that's 'the problem'.
it's why, more than two decades ago, i wept... selfishly... self-pityingly...
when i saw Jesus, in fullness, in the Neuroanatomy and its functioning.
i wanted to be a 'great Scientist', but, way back then, it all was
perfectly-clear... no matter what i did, i'd just be ravaged by folks who hate
even the thought of God.
and, so, i 'died' to Falseness, and Lived in Truth.
and, after the mourning of the 'death' of Fallseness within me had subsided, i
wept again, this 'time' with Joy, as one after another, all of the 'deep
mysteries' of Human behavior disclosed themselves, and all of their stuff, to
the difference, 'you' see, was that Honoring Truth removes the automated
blindness, allowing one to 'just' walk in understanding.
still, the stuff of the former weeping is there, even as i write this, because
i understand that probably no one will be able to understand what i address,
folks'll 'just' see what i address, here, through the lenses of their own
experience, especially folks in 'science', who must endure such awesome
Tyranny, on a daily basis, with respect to anything that correlates to God...
in subtle, but pernicious ways, their abilities to work within 'science', their
abilities to even earn an income through which they can support their Families,
and, otherwise, pursue their Hopes and Dreams, depends upon their acquiescing
to the Tyranny which stands against God.
it's so subtle... it's one of those 'thoughts' that those who come up against
it cannot even 'think'... it's stuff exists on the 'other side' of the 'zone of
randomness' from where they exist, and it's 'finitized' (TD E/I-minimized; AoK,
Ap4) by 'moving away from' (AoK, Ap7 & 8) it... remaining, all the while,
'beyond the reach' of understanding, because that's the 'state' in which the
huge body of stuff that's 'moved away from' 'exists'... one gigantic, nebulous,
not-understood 'blob', with respect to which 'finitization' occurs via blind TD
E/I-minimization which 'moves away from' it, indiscriminantly.
anyway, all of my work is in =Science=.
i am 'ostracized' be-cause, even in difficult straits, i'll not abandon the
fundamental principles of Science.
if it's any 'consolation' to folks in 'science', it's been the case, all along,
remaining the case, today, that folks in 'religion' have 'moved away from' my
work in Science, be-cause they saw only that it was, in fact, work in Science,
regardless of my having to Attribute Priority to Jesus.
in this way, my 'solitude' became complete... me, standing in the middle of the
hate-filled war... in the 'place' where folks 'move away from', waged by the
'Beast', Abstract Ignorance, upon Humanity.
i'll wait for someone to do Science with me.
other matter:
the selection of Doctors Without Borders as the recipient of the 1999 Nobel
Peace Prize gave me Joy... 1971 was a good year during which to decide that
homage to 'red tape' was something that needed to be gotten-through. (i have to
smile... it's been the case that, during every report of the Courageous and
Awesomely-Loving actions taken by Doctors Without Borders, i've 'fallen in
love' with this or that Gentle Woman so tenderly embracing this or that Child
in the midst of its Savage-bourn Misery.
Bon Chance, mes Amie, Doctors Without Borders... HURRAH!!!.
K. P. Collins (ken)