inhibitory LTP

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Fri Oct 15 18:03:18 EST 1999

In article <UHNN3.57$Gq1.913 at uchinews> Massimo Mascaro,
mascaro_m at yahoo.com writes:
>Hi all,
>do inhibitory synapses show long term potentiation(depression)?
>If yes, where can I find some result and, in case, comparisons with the
>exciatory synapses.

Here are some papers that address this issue.  You might also want to
look at some papers from Brad Alger's and Alain Marty's labs about a
depolarization induced suppression of inhibition (DSI) that has a briefer
time course.


Matt Jones

Neuroscience 1999;88(3):871-83 
Monoaminergic long-term facilitation of GABA-mediated inhibitory
transmission at
cerebellar synapses.
Mitoma H, Konishi S

Neuroscience 1999 Mar;90(3):747-57 
Differential induction of long-lasting potentiation of inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials by
theta patterned stimulation versus 100-Hz tetanization in hippocampal
pyramidal cells in
Perez Y, Chapman CA, Woodhall G, Robitaille R, Lacaille JC

Neuron 1998 Oct;21(4):827-35 
Polarity of long-term synaptic gain change is related to postsynaptic
spike firing at a
cerebellar inhibitory synapse.
Aizenman CD, Manis PB, Linden DJ

Nature 1998 Jul 9;394(6689):182-5 
Inhibitory long-term potentiation underlies auditory conditioning of
goldfish escape
Oda Y, Kawasaki K, Morita M, Korn H, Matsui H

Neurosci Behav Physiol 1998 Mar-Apr;28(2):121-9 
Studies of long-term potentiation and depression of inhibitory
transmission by
mathematical modeling of post-synaptic processes.
Murzina GB, Sil'kis IG

J Neurosci 1996 Oct 15;16(20):6342-52 
GABAB receptors, monoamine receptors, and postsynaptic inositol
Ca2+ release are involved in the induction of long-term potentiation at
visual cortical
inhibitory synapses.
Komatsu Y

Morishita W, et al.
Postsynaptic mechanisms underlying long-term depression of GABAergic
transmission in neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei. 
J Neurophysiol. 1996 Jul;76(1):59-68.

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