Transplant Dyes for nerves in superficial flexor musclesystem?

psrandr psrandr at easystreet.com
Fri Oct 15 00:47:18 EST 1999

These dyes infiltrate the plasma membrane and then get rapidly internalized into
intracellular vesicle compartments and seem to stay there for long periods of time
(up to years).  You could use the fluorescent signal to direct the placement of your
stimulating electrode.  These dyes can be used with neurons and do not appear to
alter electrical excitability or synaptic transmission.  They are vended by
Molecular Probes, Eugene OR.

Soon Hyouk Lee wrote:

> Would a dissection still be possible while seeing the fluorescence (I want
> to place a stimulating electrode on the nerve, and without some sort of dye,
> identification is nearly impossible with the tissue capsule that surrounds
> it)?  Also, I'm concerned that lipophilic molecules may interfere with the
> function of the neurons (for example, would they interfere with ion pumps in
> the membrane) ?
> Thanks!
> Soon Hyouk
> ----------
> In article <380575FC.44974FB3 at easystreet.com>, psrandr
> <psrandr at easystreet.com> wrote:
> > If you can work in fluorescence, try one of the Di series, DiA, DiI or DiO.
> > They are lipophilic and will soak into the nerve.  They are transported ortho
> > and retrograde from the site of exposure.  They appear to be largely inert and
> > stable over years time.
> >
> > Mike A.

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