Attribution of Priority

ken collins kckpaulc at aol.comABCXYZ
Thu Oct 14 23:14:41 EST 1999

>should've Acknowledged Kant's Priority then. all i did was make a margin note
>in my copy of Shaara's book when i read the passage.

i wonder, is it stuff like this that has caused folks 'difficulty' with respect
to the work i've done?

if so, then the thing to do is for everyone who knows of such stuff to discuss
it =all= so that Priority can be gotten-straight.

if this sort of thing is 'the problem', we should get beyond such without
further delay.

and, yes, i realize, as i'm writing this, that it'll probably be the case that
folks'll reach the conclusion that it's me who's 'rewriting history'.

if that's the case, so be it. it's a stupid reason to not to go forward with
the Understanding.

[if it matters to anyone, all my notes, which delineate the course i followed,
are in the archives. all i've ever thrown out were 22 boxes of newspapers
(which, probably did, however, include other stuff because, over the years,
i've noticed that stuff like kitchen utensils are nowhere to be found... which
probably means that they were in the boxes that were thrown out... which means
that i cannot say what was also thrown out.) i took a course in Philosophy a an
undergrad. think i got an "A". the only other Philosophy i've read is R. S.
Pirsig's _Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance_, which i enjoyed

but if that's 'the problem', let's get it sorted out without further delay.

if that's not 'the problem', then please tell me what 'the problem' is.

K. P. Collins

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