Alien Implants or Human Implantation Program

gjohnson at rlc.net gjohnson at rlc.net
Thu Oct 14 18:34:23 EST 1999

In article <7u20re$m92$1 at yeppa.connect.com.au>,
  "Kaelia H" <krysho at smartchat.net.au> wrote:
> right... ahh, o..kayy... does aneone else think this is total crap?...
> mean... maybe its just me, but this is like wayy out of normal human
> day-to-day context reading stuff like this... i dont think we should
> the existence of our alien buddys ( not quite sure of that, but
> anewayy....moving right along..) what i just read ... its kinda like
> ..like... whats the word... maybe crazy would be a good word...

Masses acting on paranoid delusions as a collective dynamic driving a
culture might well lead to extinction. That includes individual as well
as collective extinction.

There is the historical examples of the Aztecs' viewing the arrival of
European explorers as the returning of their gods.  That shaped the
Aztecs toward easier exploitation.

There are many examples of how delusions of grandeur leads to short term
gains and ultimate losses.  The Third Reich comes to mind.

For contemporary society, holding on to a belief system related to the
inevitability of death could prevent an all out global scientific effort
to find the keys to our immortality and re-embodiment into a more
permanent and continuously evolving medium.

Thoughts, images, and feelings, the 'stuff' of delusions, provides a
feedforward guidance system for our action.  Erroneous thinking leads
to erroneous actions.

Where might the delusion of being a target of electromagnetic or
ultrasonic mind control lead?  Perhaps it could lead to always looking
back over one's shoulder rather that looking forward to take control of
the future? --- GJ

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