Mr. Lott, i am on my knees before you, Sir.
Your position with respect to the 'nuclear' Test Ban Treaty is wrong.
the world has, thus far, dodged the bullet with respect to 'nuclear' weapons.
these weapons were designed and constructed without folks having even come to
understand what an 'atomic' 'nucleus' is.
it is unthinkable that the 'status quo', thus founded in Ignorance, should be
the weapons are useless. any resort to them so threatens the existence of
Humanity that even their 'casual' sustenence for purposes of sabre-rattling
'intimidation' is foolhardy.
the thing that needs to be done is to Honor Truth.
the population of the world understands the historical background out of which
'nuclear' weapons arose, and given such understanding, stands ready to Forgive
the mistakes of the past and move forward into the future. this same population
sits, waiting for Truth, with respect to all people, everywhere, to become
Humanity's Guiding Light.
Truth's Guiding Light is something diametrically-opposed to the
flash-which-destroys-light of 'nuclear' weapons.
i beg you, Sir, if you can do nothing else, let the Treaty, which represents
Humanity's collective longing, and most-Courageous striving for Peace, remain
as it is.
K. P. Collins