Alert: flooding by Ken Collins

toebert at my-deja.com toebert at my-deja.com
Wed Oct 13 12:14:29 EST 1999

   I've studied the nature of human being for 20 years now, one pattern
has prevailed in my observation - It only takes one bad member to ruin
the whole community.

   In the beginning of any era, nice and intelligent people will gather
and build something worthwhile, and sky is the limit for everyone. Then
freak will step in and ruins the whole thing in the name of freedom.
Eventually, all sane people walk away and and freak left behind. So
freedom is always on the side of destruction, not construction. Go take
a look at the slum of every inner city.

   This discussion group clearly reflects the same pattern. While I've
seen so many admirable members contributing valuable information to
each other over the years, one day a sick mind and his "jadded
idealist" friend stepped in and ruined the whole communication pattern.
I'm not surprised. This is just yet another proof of my theory.

   Unless we determine to fight this pattern, we are on the run forever.

   -- Toebert

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